Friday, November 21, 2008


Yes we went on the first day Twilight came out. Not at midnight like Allie, Randi and Samantha, but at 4:40pm later that day.We proved the movie is for all ages. We had Grandma/GeeGee with us and Petra, Katie and Aunt Colleen and two of Petra's friends Mattie and Sherrie. It would seem very strange for us to take our picture while standing in line, if everyone around us wasn't doing the same thing. The movie was fun, but we decided that you really needed to read the book first to completely understand it.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

More Allie's birthday

More of Allie's birthday! This is sheer indulgence on my part. We have enjoyed this last child so much. I will tell you she is grounded at the moment but it is just because she thinks at 17 we don't need to know where she is going. She had decided to go shopping with friends on their day off of school. Not a big deal, but when everyone was trying to get a hold of her she wasn't answering her phone, it's really loud in the Mall due to construction. Sounds like an excuse to me!! Anyway, to her shock when she finally answered her phone there were several angry people wanting to talk to her. So on to memories of better birthdays

This picture cracks me up, the three boys in the picture are still in our ward. Stewart and Tyler and Matt all go to Oakmont. All three of the girls have moved away. I should say all three of the boys are Seniors at Oakmont. This would be a fun picture to show them!

Allie and Grandma Roskelley have shared their birthdays for most of her life. Allie's is on the 7th and Grandma's is on the 12th.She loves it, she has always been very close to her Grandparents.

She decided on her 14th birthday to have a princess party, all the girls came and dressed up and Allie's sisters came and did hair and makeup. Then we took them out for ice cream. I thought they would say no to going out in these outfits, but no they loved it.
Here is her 16th birthday!! Neal was the only boy that would do all the crazy things with the girls. They had so much fun, we did a scavenger hunt in the Mall. We had so many people in on our adventure, it was a blast.
Now she is 17 and a Senior and ready to move on in her life. What will we do with all our time when we are not running around with Allie and her friends. (sleep comes to mind!!)

Monday, November 10, 2008

ALLIE's 17

Allie turned 17 on Nov 7th. She has gone from this cubby little girl to a beautiful lady. This is her with her Grandma and Grandpa Seamons on her blessing day. The dress is bigger than she is!

Allie was just over 1 when we moved to this house, she was sure we were not going to remember her bed, so she had to help Grandpa Roskelley move it to her new room.

Allie at her 3rd birthday. She loved to show off her presents!! She was always happy and was thrilled when she got something new to play with. She had many playmates in her siblings, but she was happy to get new things to occupy her time when all those old people left and she had to play alone.

She loved Cammi and Lance, I remember her telling me that she thought Lance was beautiful. We all laughed, she wouldn't talk to him just Cammi. She is 4 in this picture and was so excited to be in a picture with them. She had this picture in her room until the last time she painted her room.

More later

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

My Patriotic Mom

My Mom has been working the election boards for the last 60 years!! Last night she came in and told me "this is it, I am NEVER doing this again" Katie laughed and said "Grandma you say that every year!!" She started working on an election board when she was 21 and she will be 81 next week. She will probably not be a rover again, the driving was hard, but she isn't ready to give up on the elections.
She came last night to eat her dinner here at our house, and found that Katie had not voted yet. It was pretty cold for us (CA cold) so Katie had put on sweats and was ready to settle in for the the evening. One look from Grandma and she got her purse and keys and said " I hope they don't care what I am wearing!!" and out the door she went.
Colleen and I had lunch with her and I was going to take her picture and I forgot, I am so mad because she has all these pins she wears that she has gathered over the years, she ALWAYS wears red white and blue when she works the elections and she never understands how come they make it so hard to vote. Every year she talks about how they just make it harder than it should be. All the election officials in Placer County know her and I have very clear memories of going to visit her at where ever she was stationed to work on a board when I was younger. It was never very far from our house and her and Norma would be there working together. Yes, Norma still works on an election board close by.
Per Mom the biggest change from the beginning to now is that there are many more men that work on the boards than there used to be. Even 20 years ago most of the boards around town were mostly women with very few men sprinkled in. My Dad worked on some boards after he retired but always said that Mom was the election board person in our family.
Katie worked on an election board with my when she turned 18. The people voting called the main Placer County election officials to complain that a 12 year old child was being used on a board. It was Grandma to the rescue, she called and told them it was her very young looking Granddaughter and she was plenty old enough to be there. We ended up having to explain all day and night long about Katie being old enough.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


I've been tagged!! I am supposed to tell 6 quirky things about me. My family would tell you that it would be hard to keep it down to just 6, but I say I am pretty normal and they are strange!! OK here goes:

1. I cry at the drop of a hat!! I mean really, you drop your hat and I would probably get teary. I hate it but if anything even remotely touches me emotionally, I tear up. Hallmark commercials get to me every time. My grandchildren can get me going pretty easy and chick flicks are always a tissue fest for me.

2. I hate to be late or get lost. I do believe these come from my Mother, she has a really hard time being on time. The Sunday they put my Dad in as Bishop, we all trooped in about 10 minutes late to Sacrament Meeting. ( I was a teenager and wasn't happy about this event to begin with and to come in late and have everyone stare at us ugh!!) My children all understand that getting lost is just sightseeing, my Mom has convinced them it is a good thing. But I can remember driving for long periods of time and not ever getting to where we were supposed to go because we were lost. So I have this thing about knowing were I am going, and getting there on time.

3. I wash my hands ALOT. I don't have Annaleesa's germ thingy, but sometimes if I am just walking past a sink I will wash my hands. If I am having a bad time or something is wrong, I will wash my hands. When Jeff was in the hospital, I would go to the sink in his room and wash my hands!! I just makes me feel better, oh and I have to tap my hands twice on the sink to shake off the water before I reach for the towel to dry my hands. If you watch my sisters they all do it also. LOL

4. I am not a hugger, yes, I am a Mother of 6 children and 4 grandchildren and I am not a hugger. (unless I get to chase Annaleesa all over the yard for a hug hehehe) Go figure. I, of course, hug my grandchildren and have hugged my children, but as they come and go from the house their Father always stands at the door and hugs everyone and I am there but not usually hugging too much. The most weird thing about this is my Mother is the biggest best hugger of all time. Who knows where I came from ???? ( mom would say from my Father who was not a hugger) I can remember clearly the last hug I gave my Dad. It was a couple of weeks before he died and as I was leaving my Mom said, "go back in there and hug your Dad!!" Jeff, of course was in there hugging Dad goodbye, I went back and and hugged him and he pulled me close and said " hmmm you always smell so good" I was glad I did it, as he took a turn for the worse and died soon after. Oh, and refer to #1, I am all teary from typing about my Dad.

5. I love Blogs, I will read Blogs of people I have never met and probably never meet. It fascinates me! I am not sure if that is quirky or just strange!!

6. I love early morning, I get up on most days before 6:00 am, sometimes on weekends I get up and go back to bed after being up for a few hours. There is something wonderful about getting up early and in the quiet of the morning getting things done. At Christmas time this is my wrapping presents and baking time. My kids, when they were little would get up and come peek at me and run back to bed because I am full of energy when I get up early and will put them to work if I see them.

OK, I tag Rachel and Sara!!