Sunday, July 27, 2008


Girls Camp was so fun for Allie this year. She was queen of the rock, well until she had to climb down!! It was the last year for Allie and her friends they were the 6th Year YCL's.

They went several miles from camp to go repelling and found this wonderful water fall.

Jayme and Allie went down together, they were singing Disney songs to help them not scream in terror. They look so calm in the picture, but I understand a couple of minutes later the singing started!!
I like the cute bandanas, they were to keep their hair out of the ropes and not in the rocks.

Allie loved the rope swing, it is hard to balance and swing at the same time. By the time you are a 6th year you can show off to the younger girls. This was Allies last swing!! Bye rope swing!!


Allie and Kristy shared an air mattress at camp. Jayme and Holly's air mattress had a hole in it and they ended up sleeping on the floor. We bought Allie a new air mattress right before camp so she could be comfy her last year. The 6th years have YURTs all to themselves. (YURT = a hut with wooden floors and sides and a canves top. There are wide cots and places for suitcases.)

The gangs all here!! Jayme, Allie, Holly, Kristy. They got to help run girls camp this year. The Stake leaders had them do pretty much everything. There was a bit of a problem with some of the other girls so these fun girls stepped up and took over!! (this kind of frightens me, I have seen these guys in action and putting them in charge is scary!!) They loved it and had a great year.

This is Sister Pickett, she loved her girls. She gave the megaphone to the girls to wake up all the younger campers. Of course this group was a little late but always happy to sing the other campers awake. I am not sure how the leaders felt about this wonderful song fest first thing in the morning. But Allie and her group enjoyed their task!!

So many wonderful memories!!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

A Game of Memory anyone??

Here is a fun little game... leave a comment on my blog of a memory that you and I have had together. It doesn't matter if you've known me for a short time or a long time, anything that you remember! Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It is pretty funny to read the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you are playing and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. On your mark... get set... blog thoseHere is a fun little game... leave a comment on my blog of a memory that you and I have had together. It doesn't matter if you've known me for a short time or a long time, anything that you remember! Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It is pretty funny to read the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you are playing and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. On your mark... get set... blog those memories memories

Saturday, July 5, 2008

4th of July in Grandma Roskelley's front yard

Isaac, Lance and Jenni enjoy the fireworks in Gee Gee's front yard. The neighbors still had wonderful fireworks even thought Randy next door died this year, his sons took over. We can see the fireworks from the fair grounds even better now that one of the neighbors up the park took out a big tree.
Randi and Efrain were ready to enjoy the fireworks. Efrain was our lighter this year. He helped all the kids with the sparklers and set off all the big fountains for us to watch. Efrain was our master chef and ran the barbeque for the night. We had steaks, chicken, carne asada, and hot dogs. YUM!!

Randi's friend Kenna and her family came to have a barbeque and watch the fireworks also.

Jenni, Isaac and Isiah are waiting in line to get a sparkler. Isiah is a little worried about how bright they are.

3rd of July at the Ball Park

Ed and Petra got us tickets to a RiverCats game at Raley Field, on the 3rd of July they have fireworks also, it was a perfect evening with 80 degree weather. By the time we went home we all had sweaters on.

CJ has his glove and is ready just in case a foul ball comes his way. He had the glove on the entire night, he got so tired he asked Papa to hold his arm up so his glove was ready for the foul ball. It was so sad we never saw even one foul ball come to our section.

This is a blurry picture of what we could see from our seats. The office buildings of down town Sacramento. It was a fun night!!

Friday, July 4, 2008

More funeral pics

Ross, Grandma Roskelley, Petra and Allie mug for the camera. Grandma Roskelley loved Grandma Catherine. She always told me how lucky I was to have such a wonderful Mother-in-Law.
Laura finally sits to get a bite to eat with her long time good friend Nancy. ( Laura hates it when i take pictures of her eating.

Aunt Lizzy and Aunt Myrtis and Uncle Richard sit and visit with Kathy and Tawnya.

Brian B. played the piano for us while we ate, it was outstanding to hear how good he was. This same Brian played during the funeral.

Memories of Grandma Catherine.

Grandma Louise Catherine Brian Seamons

Better known as Grandma Catherine

Grandma Catherine's Funeral was yesterday July 3, 2008. I loved this picture from the front of the program. She would love it and laugh if she saw it. She has been gone for a while now as her memory had left long ago and she was unable to remember who we were. She in the last couple of years would tell Jeff that he should really stop kissing her because she was married!! She would light up when we would come to visit her, she knew that we were special even if her mind didn't remember us.

The kids all have their favorite memories of Grandma Catherine, cooking (standing on a chair if they weren't big enough to reach the stove) and playing card games. She loved math and told me once "they think we are playing games, I am really teaching them math problems.

All of our children were able to be at Grandma's funeral, it was fun to see them with their Seamons cousins. Some of them had not seen each other for many years.

Hans and Kristen pose for me in the foyer of the church. They are so cute together, they were having fun catching up on their lives.

I saw these two cuties standing together and just had to take a picture. Melanie and Suzanne are so fun to be with, they always have big smiles and are quick to hug. I so wish they lived closer.

Aunt Kathy and Tawnya came all the way from Louisiana. Grandma's sisters Ione and her husband Jimmy, Myrtis and Lizzy and her husband Richard. It was so fun to see them again!! Hans and Katie really remember Aunt Lizzy and Uncle Richard. They used to come to see Grandma often and we loved to visit with them.