Sunday, May 25, 2008

Allie can SEE!!!!

Allie finally got her glasses. She has needed them for a while and we finally found the frames she liked and got them ordered. She wore them for a whole day before her friends noticed she had them on. She is so happy to see the leaves on the trees!!! Four eyes, hehehehe

Saturday, May 17, 2008

This is one of my favorite pictures from Allie's Senior pictures. She is growing up, but best part is she is growing in other ways. She is, as I type, in the kitchen cooking dinner and at the same time getting ready for the dance. (mormen center dance!! Her favorite week for dances) This is the best part of having a teenager, they finally can do some of the stuff I am tired of doing!!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Allie's Senior Pictures

I think I am in shock!! My last child has had her Senior picture taken, this is not a new event but I know this is the beginning of the end. OK, I know that she is getting her pictures taken a little early, but we have a friend that is in this business and is using Allie as his model for her high school. (note to everyone, make friends with a photographer, they come in handy) Anyway, she got her pictures back last week and she looks darling. You can see them at you can see all the photos he posted on his site. She is having fun her Junior year and so far I am not seeing the dreaded Senioritist, you know that crazy look they get about half way thru their Senior year, get me out of this place look. We have been pretty lucky with this last child. She is somewhat quiet and has a great group of friends, (yes both male and female) they do most things together, dances (they manage to find a stake having a dance most every weekend) and hanging out at each others houses. I guess it's true they do save the best for last, Oh, sorry Allie that would be my beautiful grandchildren.