You ask what a Hospital sign has to do with the title of this blog??
Here is the story. ...
Efrain came to get the kids on Monday, life is normal, lots of hugs and kisses, Grandpa walks them to the car and waves them off. I come around the corner from work and wave as they go by. Efrain gets home and it is a normal night, dinner, homework with Jenni, bath time and then Efrain starts feeling sick, but not bad, just not feeling right. By the time Randi gets home from work he is feeling pretty sick. He is up most of the night and by morning knows there is something really wrong. Randi hurries and gets the kids ready for school, Efrain is feeling pretty bad by now.
Here is where we have to stop and give you a little back story. The twins go to preschool 5 days a week. Well, they used to both go but they don't like anyone picking on them, so if some other child had the misfortune to do something to one of them he got the wrath of both of them. They have a pretty good tag team thing going. You know, one pushes the offender down and the other kicks him, that kind of thing. Now only one of the twins can go each day, they take turns.
So back to our story. Efrain is sick and Randi is getting the kids out the door to school. Randi tries to get Efrain to the Dr and by the time the kids are ready to be picked up from school. (they all go only half day, Jenni in Kindergarten and the boys preschool) Randi is ready to take Efrain to the Hospital. As she rushes to collect them she goes to pick up Isiah, she is in a big hurry, the teacher is trying to tell her she thinks there is something wrong with Isiah. As she is dragging this child to the car she looks down and realizes it's Isaac. She had sent Isaac to school instead of Isiah. He had spent the whole day trying to tell the teacher he wasn't Isiah. The teacher was sure it was Isiah, it was his day to be there, Isaac had been there the day before she carefully explained to Isaac. Poor kid was so confused, by the time I talked to them that night, Isiah told me "I don't go to school anymore, just Isaac." I told him yes he would get to go, but he said "no Isaac is Isiah one day and then Isaac the next day" well that is how it did happen but we couldn't stop laughing. Oh, and yes Efrain's appendix needed to come out, it was leaking into his system and he was one sick guy! He is in the hospital, recovering, but still there. His blood sugar is out of whack and they are watching for any infection.
Those cute boys always have us laughing. Isiah is convinced if you throw up you have to go to the Hospital. He was throwing a month or so ago, he had a concussion, so he was in the ER for several hours. Now his Dad was throwing up and had to stay several days. So he told me to make sure not to throw up because you have to go to the Hospital, and it's not fun!! This was said with a mouthful of ice cream Grandma and Grandpa (Jeff and I) had brought to help the nerves, of a very long day at the ER and then being taken back home to Aunt Allie.
I am pretty tired of that H word myself too. I hope your cute little one gets better soon. And the big one :)
I hope Efrain is doing better. This post made me laugh - what a fun life you all have (except for the trips to the hospital and Efrain having surgery)!
I don't want to say this post was FUNNY because it's certainly not funny that Efrain is so sick! But all the chaos and the twin identity crisis that accompanied the situation was very entertaining!
Is Efrain doing better? I hope so. I can't imgaine how painful tha was for his appendix to get all the way to the point of bursting. OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tell him we wish him a quick recovery! I hope he is home now and feeling much better!
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