Saturday, May 2, 2009

Confession is good for the Soul!!

We have thought for a long while that we should have written down all the crazy things Petra said as a child. Well, now that she has CJ we know the crazy sayings are hereditary. So if you are tried of hearing about my beautiful Grandchildren you might want to stop reading now.
Petra had borrowed a CD from Katie and lost it. She and CJ got home and he found out his Mom had lost the CD, he got very upset and told her "just tell her now, Please, she is going to be VERY MAD, not at me I'm CJ, but she is going to be very mad at you. At this point he is pacing back and forth. He told her " Just confess, it's better that way, just tell her and get it over!!" Poor tortured soul, his Mother is going to drive him crazy.

1 comment:

Judy Stohl said...

Way to go CJ - you are so cool!!