I was so gun ho! I was going to blog at least every other day, NO MATTER WHAT. Yeah, well tell that to my family.
Sunday morning was pretty typical, I got up, made some muffins, I knew I was going to be at meetings before church, and we like to eat muffins during our YW meetings.
I made the apple muffins we always made as kids, they are so easy and yummy. So anyway, off to church I go, I am in meetings and explaining how we knew there would be no baby this week because the Doctor had told Petra it would be at least a week. So, I could get things ready for New Beginnings, but possibly not be there. As we got thru a couple of meetings I noticed my phone was lit up. I checked my text and sure enough, Petra was telling me her water broke. So much for having a free week before he was born. Petra wasn't having any contractions but called the Doctor and let them know. They told her to come in, they didn't want an infection to set in.
I rushed home, changed clothes and gathered what I knew I would want at the hospital. Before I left the church, I told Katie to go to Petra's because we were leaving for the hospital, and CJ and Alyssa would need to be watched. When I got to Petra's they were not in a hurry, as Petra was feeling fine and wanted to shower and get things done before she left. We sat and watched TV and chatted until we knew we needed to go. We got to the hospital at about 4 pm and started the process of checking in. Because she was in no pain they were pretty relaxed about the whole process.
This was the face before they started any thing.
We hung out waiting for them to decide how they were going to get this process going, they kept thinking she would go into labor on her own but no such luck.
Finally at 5:15pm they put the strip in to induce. It was at 5:35 before she felt anything and 7:30 pm before the pains were strong enough for her to be uncomfortable. They came in to do the epidural and she was able to rest while her body was doing the work!
This picture was at the end, Christopher's heart rate was going down so they added oxygen and made sure she was hooked up to everything they had.
Finally at 2:35 she started pushing and he made his appearance at 3:03, all 7 lbs 9 ounces of him. He was so adorable right from the first. The Doctor looked at me and said "want to cut the cord?" Ed was OK with it as he had done the others and for the first time I got to do it. After being the one on the table delivering the baby it was pretty fun to do the other part. I have been there for all of my grandchildren, but this was a first for cutting the cord.
He was unhappy about being out in the world without any clothes and let us know it.(such a modest little boy) As soon as they covered him up he was fine. He is the same way several days later, as long as he is covered up he is a pretty content baby.
He likes being all wrapped up, he is so snuggly.
Here he is at 10 hours old, he looks like he is 10 days old. We thought WOW this will be such an easy night. Wrong again, he didn't like the nursery bed, he flat out refused to lay down in it. Ed took the kids home so they could sleep in their own beds and I stayed at the hospital with Petra and Christopher. So Petra and I decided we would watch a movie and play with Chris, we then we got tired and thought we could just lay him down as he was so sound asleep. NO! thru out the whole night the longest he lasted in the bed was 45 minutes. So after Sunday night when we sat up waiting for him to be born and Monday night when he wouldn't lay down in the bed, I was really tired. Poor Petra was so worn out, but since he as been home he loves his car seat and bed, he even went 4 hours at night.
He has a little jaundice and has had to go back to get his blood tested every day, his last test was 12.85, we are hoping today will be better! Well, I didn't blog every other day but at least I caught up a little!
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