Saturday, December 27, 2008


The school told Randi and Efrain we need to call the twins by their names, no longer can we get them to follow us, or get them to come where we need them to come by yelling "TWINS!" We must call them by Isiah and Isaac. Can you tell who is who??? Grandma/GeeGee was just here and I asked her to look at this picture and to tell me these boys don't look different. She declared "no they look very different!" and then told me their names, she got it backwards!!

I can almost always get it right, except on Christmas Day when they were on the floor opening presents. I had something in my hand for Isaac and was yelling above the loud din of voices "look up, look up!!" Randi was looking at me like I was crazy. I told her " yeah, I can tell them apart if they show me their faces, but the top of their heads are just the same!!"

Well have you figured it out yet??? Yes, the twin on the right is Isaac, he is still just a tiny bit shorter and has a higher pitched voice, Isiah is on the left, he remains a bit taller, with a deaper voice and darker hair. Somethings are just the same, they are equally easy to love and are both the cutest boys we know. (except CJ, he is just as cute!)


Cammi said...

They are SO CUTE! What will everyone do when Isaac catches up to Isaiah in size? We'll all be in trouble trying to tell them apart! They really are just so adorable.

Judy Stohl said...

I seriously cannot tell a difference - they are so adorable but growing up so fast. It seems just like the other day they were tiny babies!