Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The last one!!

Tonight was the last "back to school" night for my children!! 22 years and 72 back to school teachers to meet with, and it is over. I was greeted with hugs and smiles tonight as I met with Allie's teachers, especially the teacher she TA's for, a nice tribute to Allie was part of the presentation of the class outline. I sat with Maggie's Mom and Tyler's Dad in one class. They all were in the same kindergarten class, we have delightful pictures of them holding hands as scared 5 year olds, and now as they get ready to go off to major universities, we remember how cute they were. (Tyler will get one semester in before his mission. ) These high school years were hard because I had to sit on the Blue and white side and try not to cheer for the black and orange. It was the hardest when I had a child participating wearing blue and white. Ross playing football and basketball and Petra in the band. This is certainly a milestone, I was so sick of going and sitting in classes to find out how busy the teachers were going to make my life each year, and this time I sat grinning. One teacher commented on it, I told him I was just savoring the moment because this child doesn't need the prompting some of the others have needed and this was the last time I would need to hear about homework deadlines and major projects. ahhh memories......

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